This operation is run 100% on donations, sponsorships and volunteerism. You can help by doing any of them.
Send Cash or Checks to:
PO Box 748
Ocean Gate NJ 08740
Checks made out to HOIC
HOIC needs money to keep going. Gas, tolls, maintenance, equipment, food, propane, and on-site restocking. Make cash donations extremely important and needed to keep the mission going.
Product donations:
HOIC needs equipment to function and supplies to give to those in need.
For the function of the organization things like vehicles to pull trailers and move supplies, camp stoves, storage bins, shelving units, tanks of propane and gas, napkins, hot dog tin foil sheets, hot and cold cups and much more.
For the people we are trying to help supplies like, tolitries, cleaning supplies, blankets, socks, hats, flashlights, batteries, phone chargers, paper towels, toilet paper, first aid supplies, and hairbrushes.
Any time: hot dogs, individual snack bags (chips, pretzels, popcorn etc.), condiments, coffee, tea bags, hot chocolate, iced tea mix, dry soup mix, oatmeal, granola bars, canned chili and Sour Krout.
Day of departure we need hot dog buns, milk, and creamer.
On site: Water, breakfast foods and anything you feel people would like to eat when they need a delicious meal when they need comfort.

There are three ways to Volunteer.
First: On site. HOIC needs people to help people on site. No experience necessary. Serving hot dogs, helping give out supplies, helping with donations, and the most important part of our mission, listening to victims.
Second: Pre-departure,Loading, shopping, getting everything ready to go.
Third: Helping behind the scenes, helping with finding donations, collecting donations, working on equipment, restocking after a mission, paperwork, bookkeeping, web page and social media, and any other talents you feel could help this great cause.

Donations can be made via Cash, Check, Venmo, or Go Fund me.
Send Cash or Checks to:
PO Box 748
Ocean Gate NJ 08740
Checks made out to HOIC