Disaster assistance on a personal scale.
We have put together a mobile unit that within a few hours is on the road to supply those in need with the necessities needed to start their recovery.
The trailer sits filled with non-perishables loaded and ready to go immediately. Perishables and other items specific to the event are purchased or collected via donations prior to departure.
Due to our small size and the fact we are completely self-sufficient, we can get into areas larger organizations that need infrastructure cannot get to. Also, we do not have to answer to anyone or coordinate with others, so we can mobilize in hours, not days.
We have two trailers. One is our food and supplies trailer, and the second is an ice trailer that will bring ice to the area for anyone that needs it.
This operation is run 100% on donations, sponsorships and volunteerism. You can help by doing any of them.

​Upcoming Events
Our Services
1 hr 30 min
$300 donation1 hr 30 min
$250 (Plus $5 PP)